Abbotsleigh League
The Abbotsleigh Pickleball League is a weekly doubles competition open to all members of PANSW who want to test their skills in a competitive environment in a superb indoor facility. Games are graded according to players skill rating and performance in previous weeks. Each week 20 players are split into 4 groups of 5. Each person in a group plays with each member of that group once. After each round is completed, promotion and relegation between courts takes place based on scores then a 2nd round is held. We play 8 games to 11 points. To play in the league you must register with Pickleball Brackets (free to join). The Pickleball Brackets software system will calculate your rating each week based on your performance.
Our league is held on Thursday nights with breaks during school holidays. Players can sign up for the entire league or fill in occasionally for other players. We encourage players of all abilities to sign up.
Want to try league but can't commit to a 7 week session?
Contact to join our WhatsApp League Subs group for the opportunity to play as a reserve to fill in for league players when they cannot play.
What skill level is needed to play league?
Four divisions allow for a wide range of skill levels from 2.5 to 4.0, which includes as a minimum the ability to keep the ball in play consistently, use of basic tactics/ strategies and knowledge of scoring.
Next league: 7 May 2024
Length: 7 weeks
Time: 7 - 10pm
Cost: $85.
Registrations and Information: Pickleball Brackets
For further information Email: